Every year, HEO is obligated to hold an Annual General Meeting, per Article III, Section 3.1 of its ByLaws. HEO’s AGM must be held within 15 months of the last AGM and within six months of the Corporation’s fiscal year end. The ByLaws specify that the 14 voting Members or their Delegates, Directors and Auditors attend the meeting. Any other person may be admitted only if invited by the Board or with the majority consent of the Members present. The ByLaws further specify that the Members must approve the minutes of the previous annual meeting, receive reports from the Board, receive the report of the Auditor with regard to the Corporation’s financial statement, appoint Auditors, consider any business as submitted via a procedure approved by the Board, and elect new Directors.
Notice of Item of Business for HEO's Annual General Meeting
AGM July 13, 2022
AGM July 14, 2021
EO held its first Annual General Meeting as an amalgamated Board on July 14th, 2021. In addition to receiving the President’s report, the 2020-21 HEO financial report, and approving KPMG as the corporation’s auditor for 2021-22, HEO’s 14 voting members also elected three Directors to join the four already serving on the Board. As one of the newly elected Directors stepped down shortly after the AGM, the Board subsequently appointed a Director to serve the remainder of his term in keeping with the provisions of the HEO ByLaw.